(Click on the links below to see what we've done!) Letter H 2023 |
Welcome to the Music Makers Webpage!For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Sharon Broome. I have been teaching at Sunshine School since the fall of 2000. It is my 17th year of teaching music, and before that I taught Pre-K. Each year just seems to get better.
This week in Music Makers: All pictures from so far this year are in the links to the side (Through letter U and the Spring Program).
We wrapped the end of the year up with lots of fun and cooperation. When I think of how many kids really grew this year in participation, cooperation, and coming out of their shell, I am really proud of this group and look forward to the challenge next year!
Check out the adorable pictures each week by clicking on the links to the left.
Bookmark this page and come back to it often to see what your child has been learning. Send the website to grandparents from out of town, so they can see what your child is doing on a regular basis. Mrs. Sharon Monday/ Wednesday will have classes every Monday. Tuesday/ Thursday will meet every Tuesday. Classes vary by age, but this is so much more than just a class to give the children wiggle time.
In Music Makers: We play instruments. We listen to and move to different types of music. We learn about composers. We have a letter theme each week that goes along with the school curriculum. We learn songs for fun. We learn songs for learning letters. We learn seasonal songs. Two-year olds and older learn songs to perform in front of their peers and families. |